A Jesuit is an Educator
Jesuits working
in the North West States of India
Society of Jesus
Jesuits of Delhi
The Delhi Jesuit Province extends from Himachal Pradesh in the north through Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand to Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in the south, an extensive area in the Indian Subcontinent. This is an impressive extent of vast area. Taken from the Patna Province and established as a Region in 1988 with 43 Jesuits basically from the mother province, the Delhi Province has quietly but steadily grown in numbers to reach 118, with 13 young men in the Novitiate and 44 Scholastics in the various stages of formation, 57 Priests and 4 Brothers.
Companions of Jesus in a mission of Faith, Reconciliation and Justice.

Rev. Fr. Soosai Mani, SJ

Province Apostolates
Under the leadership of able and zealous missionaries for the past 35 odd years the Delhi Province has grown in its educational, social, pastoral and spiritual out-reach. Besides the ministry of education, social work and the pastoral care, the Delhi Jesuits are engaged in specialized ministries that include preaching retreat, research, and communication and inter-religious dialogues.
We are committed to the cause of the ideals that were envisioned by our founder father St. Ignatius to establish the Kingdom reign over the hearts of the people through the instrumental cause of Spiritual Exercises. To promote and open the eyes of the chosen people to see God in all things and to lead them in the path of Christ's Way is our simple end towards which we strive, strive and strive.
Jesuits strive to keep their flock motivated to the ultimate end they are created for by Promoting Christian Living and Building socio-pastoral-education centers. The programs we adopt to accomplish these objectives include Youth Forums, St. Vincent de Paul Societies, Catholic Associations, Nurses guild, Altar servers association, Basic Christian Communities, Bible Camps, Family Visits, Sunday Catechism, Retreats and Prayer Services. In all these activities we try to give the faithful the personal love of Christ. All efforts are made to make them feel that they are loved and wanted in the Kingdom of Christ.
The Jesuits have a long period of training of about 14 years this includes both spiritual and academic studies as well as other professional trainings. These men under training are called Scholastics. They study in different parts of India primarily in the Jesuit colleges of Bombay, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Jharkhand. Some of them are pursuing their post graduate studies in Delhi and elsewhere.
* Promotion of faith with justice.
* Helping the poor to help themselves through job oriented programs
* Women empowerment
The Jesuit Social involvement aims at promotion of human values with justice as its integral part. It helps the poor to help themselves through job oriented programmes. Empowerment of women through seminars and other exposure activities are integral part of our Social Service Centers. They are involved in kindergarten, women’s groups, small savings cum credit societies, self-help groups, youth clubs, remedial classes and rickshaw pullers association.
Jesuit Education is inspired by a vision of a person drawn from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ who has always been respected and admired by the people of India. It is also based on the principles of CHARACTER formation elaborated by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. This vision and these principles give Jesuit Educational Institutions a specific character and set before their staff and students high ideals of humanism and services towards which they are invited continually to strive.
"A Fire That Kindles Other Fires"
General Congregation 35 - Decree 2
To be a Man of God
Following the vision of Jesus and the magis of Ignatius, we, the Jesuits of Delhi Province, promote the emergence of a humane and egalitarian Indian society.

The Jesuit is a servant of the joy of the Gospel.
To Work Tirelessly in God's Vineyard
Participating in the mission of Jesus Christ, we work for the transformation of society and care of nature. We, together with others, build humane communities of freedom, fellowship, justice, equality, truth, integrity, forgiveness and reconciliation.
We pray that You inflame the hearts of men with courage and trust and the desire to labor for Your kingdom as Jesuits.

Newly ordained Deacons
with Fr Provincial
Jesuit Roman Curia Resources
Jesuit Conferences

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